The heater with the sun in its name

SUNNYHEAT has the sun in its name and not without reason - because infrared heaters heat like the sun with infrared heat. When the first rays of the spring sun hit your skin after a long winter, it feels really pleasant. The ambient air is still cold, but in the sun you feel warm and safe. It is precisely this feeling of warmth that makes the difference between an infrared heater and a normal radiator.

Convection heaters

A conventional heating system warms your room by heating the air. The warm air is drawn upwards and circulated. This process causes the air in the room to rotate, distributing the heat. A side effect of this technique is that the air is stirred up, and with it dust and pollen. Furthermore, considerable temperature differences are measurable between floor and ceiling. Thus, the room is not heated evenly and it takes a long time before we feel the heat on our bodies.

Infrared heaters

Infrared heaters work on the same principle as the sun. In nature, animals, plants, the ground, the entire environment absorb heat from the sun. It is the same in a room. Walls, ceilings, furniture - everything absorbs the infrared heat and slowly releases it again. This creates a cosy, natural warmth, just like the sun. At the same time, the humidity in the room remains even. This is why the risk of mould is significantly lower and the room climate is particularly pleasant for allergy sufferers or asthmatics.

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