On this page you will find all the specialist partners of the selected country. We have sorted the specialist partners by postcode so that you can quickly find your way around. 

All specialist partners will be happy to advise you and provide you with a quotation. Some trade partners offer additional services. The specialist partners with services are marked with the respective icons:


 Manufacturer: As we appear in this list as a specialist partner, we have marked ourselves as a manufacturer.

 Installation service: These specialist partners offer an installation service for our SUNNYHEAT infrared heaters.

 Showroom: These specialist partners have a shop that you can visit.

 HotSports: These specialist partners have also specialised in SUNNYHEAT infrared heaters for the HotSports sector. For example, for HotYoga.


c/o Bryant House 71 King Street
4112 Taradale Napier 

Phone +64 6845 3711
Website www.ecobright.com.au


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